How are my gums

The Trial Smile

The Trial Smile is the first of it’s kind way to actually see how your teeth would look with veneers in your own mouth on your own teeth.  We use our state of the art digital scanner to scan your teeth and create a virtual 3D model of your teeth.  It is like an Avatar of your smile.  We then recreate your smile to perfection in the virtual world of the computer.  An exact copy is digitally printed and a matrix is made to seat in your mouth with temporary veneer material.  This will show you exactly what your smile can look like on your own teeth in your own mouth!  The best part… it’s included with our complimentary consultation.

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The process

Schedule a complimentary cosmetic consultation and meet Dr Hedge to discuss the smile you have always wanted.  Our team will take a series of digital photos and scan your teeth with our digital scanner.  That’s it.  Easy, no discomfort, and lots of excitement generated!  The next step.  We work on perfecting your smile virtually and fabricate a matrix to deliver it to your mouth.

A week or so later, we will see you again to deliver your Trial Smile.  At this visit, we place the matrix over your teeth and form the new smile.  We then remove the matrix, and… Wow… your new smile is there with a temporary veneer material.  You can then decide if this is what you would like your teeth to look like.

If you decide to move forward, we then go back to work virtually and modify the design to allow for it to be recreated in permanent porcelain exactly the same or with any modifications your may desire.  We can then move forward with scheduling your veneer preparation visit.  Get your Trial Smile by scheduling a complimentary cosmetic consultation.

Examples of our trial smiles

"Cultivate want, not need"

The goal is to turn a need into a want. The real purpose of a Trial Smile is to turn the driving force for treatment over to the patient. When patients want something, they’ll get it.

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